
23 Responses

  1. Welcome to the Aussiegenes website. Since I opened the site about a decade ago, there have been over a quarter of million hits and some very positive feedback for which I am grateful. I hope you enjoy your stay and find something useful.

    The information on this site comprises that which I directly researched and information provided to me by fellow researchers and family historians. It goes well beyond what is available on the public record, which is very useful to researchers but also means that some information cannot be independently validated. The site, which is between 7 and 8 thousand pages, generally shows pedigree style pages but in some areas I have additional information and photographs.

    If you can add to the information on this site, bearing in mind I do not publish the names of the living, I would appreciate your contributions.

  2. I was visiting this site trying to gain some information on my grandmother Hannah Pricilla McMahon and was surprised to see the wedding photo of my grandparents. Would it be possible to let me know where the photo came from because we have very little info on my grandmothers family history.

    Thank You
    Greg Behm

  3. Hi Greg. I inherited the photo albums of Peter and Eileen McMahon. Eliza Bray was my great-grandmother. I will separately send you an email. Vince.

  4. Thanks for photos. Been researching family. I am Ann Mcmahon Roberts grgr granddaughter and they are fascinating to see

  5. Thanks Ann. I could not tie you in on the pedigree chart. You may like to send me an email by pressing the letterbox on any page.

  6. I my name is Mark Matthews I would like to use your photo of Daley’s grave at Rookwood on my free website it is a free site for those interested in the NSW bushrangers of the Lachlan and where I have covered some of Patrick’s life. I was in Cobar recently and saw some of the old places utilized by Daley thank you, Cheers Mark Matthews Ps I will place a courtesy from…. as the source ie Aussiegenes or other Ta.

  7. Hi Mark. That will be okay. Thanks for checking and an acknowledgement would be great.

  8. Hi,I am wondering about Margaret O’Connor – I have an O’Connor family living in the same place Margaret was in Ireland before emigrating Droum duhig. My O’Connors were born from 1812 onwards to Jeremiah and Mary nee Horgan. I have a Margaret born 1827 (some dates are a bit off in the family with baptisms to birth dates) and I have been looking for her family (as she is one of the few in the family I cannot trace). My O’Connors emigrated to New Zealand, while my gg grandmother stayed but 4 children came out later on.

    I was eyeing Margaret as been a possible sibling to my O’Connors but you have her being born sometime later to a Patrick O’Connor – I believe that he might be a relation to my Jeremiah/Dermot (maybe a brother) as I presume they lived in the same place if your Margaret was living in Droumduhig at her marriage. Jeremiah’s son was also called Patrick and he emigrated to NZ. I have a photo of him.

    1. Hi Claire

      It is very difficult to make these connections given the lack of data sources. I don’t have any information from Ireland. The parents I gleaned from her death certificate which did not specify where in County Kerry she was born and just said her father was a farmer which is probably true of half the population.

      I also picked up some information from her obituary.

      Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser – 7 June 1898

      “DEATH OF MRS. KELLEHER. The friends of Mrs. Margaret Kelleher, of Elizabeth-street, will regret to learn of her death, which took place st her residence early yesterday morning. The deceased was a native of County Kerry, Ireland, and was sixty-six years of age. In her last hours she was surrounded by nearly all the members of a large family. She leaves seven daughters and two sons, all of whom are grown up, and are well-known and respected in this town, her youngest son, Mr. Daniel Kelleher, formerly at the Ipswich Advocate, being in the employ of the Railway Department in Northern Queensland. Three of the daughters are married. Mrs. Kelleher had been a resident of Ipswich for the past eighteen years. Her husband died in the Old Country at an early age, leaving his wife with a large and helpless family. During her illness she was unremittingly attended to by Dr. Flynn, and the Roes. A. Horan, J. Duhig, and the Sisters of Mercy were also very attentive to her in her last days. The funeral, as announced elsewhere, will take place this afternoon, leaving deceased’s late residence a half-past 3 o’clock.”

      I know of no photos of Margaret and the only photos of that family are of Daniel Kelleher, her son, which are on the website.

      This probably has not helped but I will do some more research. I am not particularly good on the Irish sources and generally have paid for such research in Ireland.

      If you want to correspond directly just click the postbox icon on any page.

    2. Just a footnote on that discussion. I derived her birth date from ship records and secured her death statistics and other data later. It would now seem that I either had the wrong family on the ship, which I doubt, or she understated her age. From the death certificate she would have been born in 1832 which is much earlier and much closer to your timeline.

  9. Dear Aussie Genes,

    At some stage the Weddin Mountain Inn was in the possession of Andrew and Esther Donohoe. They found it difficult to make a living there and went to Hay instead.

    See the Trove NLA reference to the death of James Donohoe, the brother of Andrew which references Andrew as being in possession of the Weddin Mountain Inn at that time.

    Somewhere I have read a reference to Andrew finding the bushrangers were holding up his supplies of grog to the inn and this is why they left. I cannot remember if he sold out to O’Malley or not.

    Lambing Flat Museum could not find any reference to James’ grave being relocated from the township and reburied elsewhere.

    They do stock an excellent historical resource by Sara(h) Musgrave the niece of James White the original Lambing Flat land owner in which she vividly recounts the development of the local area and local land holders.

    Kind regards


    Kind regards


    1. Hi Chrissie

      I did reply by email to your post but it looks like I left your comments hanging. I always find such information interesting.

      I have not been to the Lambing Flat Museum but viewed it online – what a stunning old building and so appropriate to house a museum. I will try to get out there for a look one of these days.

  10. I was looking for Bushranger John OMeally one of Ben Halls gang if he had any brother as my grate grandfather Came from Young his name is Joseph OMeally I have tried to investigate this through births breaths And Marriages.
    Des Goulding

    1. Hi Des

      There was quite a large family of O’Malley’s and they have considerable name variation. Patrick O’Malley was illiterate and I imagine each time he had a child he would tell the registrar the name of the child who would then guess how the surname was spelt. Have a look on my site at for brothers and sisters.

  11. Dear Aussiegenes,
    Your web site has more information on Donald Colgan McNeill than I have ever been able to find anywhere. Thank you! I am his niece and I am searching for any descendants of Donald’s. I am wondering how it is that he is on your site and is there any chance you might know where I might look for Don’s sons or daughter?

    Thank you for your time,
    Judith McNeill
    Yamba, NSW

  12. Hi Judith

    Could you email me at

    I am a nephew but Phyllis died almost before my time and I don’t know if I ever met Don. My father knew him very well and I believe my elder brothers knew him. I heard a lot about Donna McNeill growing up and there were two brothers – Peter and Paul. Donna lived with my grandmother in East Brisbane for a number of years while she was doing her training at the Mater Hospital in Brisbane. I have some photos lying around.

  13. Dear Aussiegenes,

    Firstly thank you for such a fantastic site – The name Vigor family popped up…So I dragged out my Descendants of Donald McCuaig, and sure enough 4th generation in their they are – Thomas Vigor married Mary MacLeod< My grandfathers Cousin (I think) still getting my head around it all. Anyway, Norman Dunstan Dougal Macleod married Lydia Jane Edser – my grandfather (Maurice Edser) being 1 of 2 children – their Grandfather being Henry MacLeod. I have my Great Aunty to thank for the above info. Thankyou once again, certainly an amazing effort you have put into this site. Cheers Ellen

  14. Thank you Ellen.

    It was hard to work out the relationships from the information given but I am descended from Henry McLeod/Christina Mackay (and the Vigors) which I think is the common juncture point with your line.

    If you would like to pursue just hit the postbox on the main pages and we can email separately.

  15. Hello again Aussiegenes,
    It’s been a while, two years in fact, Wow!!! You are correct in our connection of Henry McLeod/ Christina Mackay….I am 4th generation connected my grandfather being Maurice Edser, Son of Lydia Jane Edser (daughter of Joseph Edser &Emily Alloway) and Norman Duncan Donnally Mcleod. Would you be open to contact Via Messenger on Facebook?? I really do struggle with all that e-mail jargon – sorry.

  16. Hi Vince
    Congratulations on your informative site. I believe we share G-Great-grandparents – Ellen Downey & John Daley. I have located the baptism of John Dal(e)y in 1812 at the parish of Emly, Tipperary. I understand this takes in the area of Bansha. I have a copy of the register page with the listing showing John’s parents as John & Grace Daly. Sponsors are James Daly & Catherine Neil. Also, extra info for Alice RAIN. Her parents were Thomas RAINE (convict) b1803 Yorkshire, England arrived Mary (4) 1833 & Teresa REDMOND (First marriage to John KELLY Dublin 18??)b1808 Ireland. Thomas and Teresa married at Wellington Valley in1845. Teresa d1890 at Scone, NSW.

    1. Thanks Wendy or should I just say second cousin – lovely to hear from you. While I still get a lot of traffic on my site inquiries have dropped off over time which is disappointing but understandable.

      My father and grandfather had a lot to do with the Swingles and in fact Albert worked on our Heidelberg Street house. Dad actually stayed with the Swingle family for a time when Peter Gerald and family were posted away from Brisbane and he was quite close to Mavis. I did manage to speak to Mavis late in her life.

      Intriguing information you have on the Daley’s. I did some searches at one time and did not pick it up. Perhaps you could hit the letterbox icon on my website and we can discuss via email.

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